Wednesday, March 18, 2015

JUnit testing ebooks pdf downlod or read online on Java,Eclipse

JUnit testing ebooks pdf downlod or read online on Java,Eclipse

Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java with JUnit Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java with JUnit

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing. Let your Java code tell you what's working and what isn't. You'll learn how to test using JUnit, but more importantly, you'll learn what to test.
Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide

This practical pocket guide gets you up to speed quickly with Eclipse. It covers basic concepts, including Views and editors, as well as features that are not commonly understood, such as Perspectives and Launch Configurations. You'll learn how to write and debug your Java code--and how to integrate that code with tools such as Ant and JUnit. You'll also get a toolbox full of tips and tricks to handle common - and sometimes unexpected - tasks that you'll run across in your Java development cycle.
Art of Java Web Development Art of Java Web Development

A guide to the topics required for state of the art web development, this book covers wide-ranging topics, including a variety of web development frameworks and best practices. Beginning with coverage of the history of the architecture of web applications, highlighting the uses of the standard web API to create applications with increasingly sophisticated architectures, developers are led through a discussion on the development of industry accepted best practices for architecture. Described is the history and evolution towards this architecture and the reasons that it is superior to previous efforts. Also provided is an overview of the most popular web application frameworks, covering their architecture and use.
Java Open Source Programming Java Open Source Programming

Written by leading authorities in the field, this book shows you how to leverage a suite of best-of-breed Open Source development tools to take the pain out of J2EE and build a complete Web-based application. You'll combine these tools to actually reduce the points of failure in your application, while increasing overall system stability and robustness. Along with the tools introduced here, you'll develop the PetSoar application, which follows the PetStore application used by Sun Microsystems to demonstrate features of J2EE. With PetSoar, the authors focus on developing a maintainable and flexible application, rather than showcasing the end result, so that you can apply the material in your own projects.


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